The Wanamaker Grand Court Organ

    The CHOIR is the first manual at the console. It has 19 expressive stops, mostly gentle, devoted to accompaniment. It is located in the main chamber, on the right behind the facade.
    This division has had a complete restoration in 2017-18.

16 Double Dulciana metal 61
8 Dulciana metal 61
8 Open Diapason metal 61
8 Violon Diapason metal 61
8 Stopped Diapason wood 61
8 Concert Flute wood 61
8 Salicional metal 61
8 Quintadena metal 61
8 Vox Angelica (#) metal 61
8 Vox Celeste (#) metal 49
8 Keraulophone metal 61
4 Forest Flûte wood 61
4 Salicet metal 61
2 Piccolo metal 61
VI   Soft Cornet    (   metal    366
16 Saxophone metal 61
8 Saxophone metal 61
8 English Horn (free reed, Laukhuff) metal 61
8 Clarinet metal 61
Tremolo I
Tremolo II
Choir to Choir 16
Choir to Unisson off
Choir to Choir 4
Choir to Great 16
Choir to Great 8
Choir to Great 4
Choir to Pedal 8
Choir to Pedal 4
Choir/String Pistons Transfert
Choir to Great Expression
Crescendo off Choir Manual
Choir off Crescendo
Choir Reeds Silent
Great / Choir Transfert

19 stops
24 ranks
1452 pipes
10 ajustables pistons
1 reservoir
5 chests
5" wind