The Wanamaker Grand Court Organ

    The SWELL, 3rd manual, is on wind pressures of five to twenty-two and a half inches. All are under expression, in two boxes (low pressure and high pressure). The low pressure chamber houses the Original String division designed by George Ashdown Audsley—the first independent String organ ever found in a pipe organ. This String division is restored in 2018.

16 Double Diapason metal 61
16 Soft Bourdon wood 61
8 Stentorphone * wood/metal     61
8 Horn Diapason metal    61
8 Violin Diapason metal    61
8 Bell Flute * metal 61
8 Orchestral Flute metal 61
8 Harmonic Flute bois 61
8 Grand Flute II bois 122
8 Double Flute bois 61
8 Tibia Dura bois 61
8 Clarabella bois 61
8 Melodia bois 61
8 Soft Dulciane metal    61
8 Gamba metal 61
8 Gamba Celeste II (#) metal 122
5 1/3 Quint Bourdon bois 61
4 Harmonic Flute II metal    61
4 Octave 1 metal 61
4 Octave 2 metal 61
2 2/3 Nazard not installed  
2 Harmonic Piccolo metal 61
V String Mixture ( metal    305
VI Mixture metal 438
16 Bass Tuba metal    61
16 Bass Trombone metal 61
16 Contra Fagotto metal    61
16 Double Oboe Horn metal 61
8 Tuba metal 61
8 Trombone metal    61
8 (Orchestral) Trumpet metal    61
8 Horn metal 61
8 Fagotto metal    61
8 Oboe metal 61
8 Basset Horn metal    61
8 Clarinet metal 61
8 Clarinet II metal 122
8 Vox Humana II metal 122
4 Harmonic Clarion metal 61
4 Musette (free reeds, Laukhuff) metal 80
16 Contra Bass wood/metal 61
8 Violoncello metal    61
8 Viol metal 61
8 Viol (#) metal    61
8 Viola metal 61
5 1/3 Quinte Viol metal    61
4 Octave Viol metal 61
4 Violina metal    61
3 1/5    Tierce metal 61
IV Viol Cornet    (   metal    244
Corroborating Mixture *
       '---> (17, 19, 22, 26, 29)
Tremolo I
Tremolo II
Solo to Swell 16
Solo to Unisson off
Solo to Swell 4
Swell to Great 16
Swell to Great 8
Swell to Great 4
Swell to Choir 16
Swell to Choir 8
Swell to Choir 4
Swell to Pedal 8
Swell to Pedal 4
Swell to Great Expression
Swell to Choir Expression
Swell off Crescendo
Swell Reeds Silent

51 stops
71 ranks
4422 pipes
13 ajustable pistons
4 reservoirs
8 chests
5" / 22" wind